Reflection and Review...

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

With only two days to go before the Swap Shop event I have been very busy organisisng things which are going to make it run smoothly. Today the class and I tried Gillian's festive drink which we all decided was gorgeous and is going to be sold on the night!
Claire and I also went to the Scarborough Evening News to talk to a reporter who is covering the story, and we are hoping that this will provide us with a few more people attending on the night. We also had a photographer come in yesterday for a picture to go with the column!
I am currently working on my Peter Brook work and I'm finding it really interesting. Although I found reading the book really hard initially, I found the class discussions really helpful as i took quite a lot of notes during the lessons and also when the guest lecturer came to talk to us. It was also really good to hear his opinion on the text, as he seemed to have a similar outlook on the book to us! Except his was backed up by meeting many tutors and students who were studying the book at the time. I was also really interested to learn about Stephen Joseph and how it is very possible and likely that Brook may have taken many ideas from him and passed them off as his own!
My costume has quite a bit of work to be done on it, and i am starting to worry as every day i think of things that need to be done! I'm not going to upset myself too much about it though as i can only do my best and I always manage to hand in on time.

Thursday, December 02, 2010


I was finding it quite a struggle to write down and explain what I wanted to write about in my dissertation, but with help from my tutors and a bit more confidence in what I'm interested in i was able to overcome this. My dissertation looks at how we see freak shows and performers of the 20th century through 21st century eyes, and how our views have changed through the years. I really enjoy this field of research as it fits in really well with my Daisy and Violet Hilton project. It is also a little bit unusual so the reader should enjoy the subject.
I requested some very specialist books from the British Library and these have been a massive help to me with exploring the history of circus's etc.

My corsets are coming along well as i dyed up the second one on Friday and left it to dry over the weekend. I was really annoyed when it came to dying it as we had run out of the dye i needed! I got over this though pretty fast as i did some samples of a blue pigment which came out really nice, and decided it would look quite effective to have two slightly different corsets but to keep everything else very similar.
I need to now finish the costumes construction and work on the embroidery which I will be adding to the corset.
I have started to machine together Becky's sequin jacket and it has been really hard to sew! so this in its self has been a big learning process on how to manage the fabric and make it do what you want it to.

catch up...

After the Halloween fundraiser night, I came up with the idea of hosting a Swap Shop event. This was well received and other members of the class soon came up with other suggestions on how we could make the event really big.
Claire came up with the idea of coupling the swap shop with a Christmas fair, where businesses could come and sell their goods for the fee of a table.
After a few meetings, we booked out the theatre, studio theatre and square cat for the 9th of December. Sadly this was the second date we decided on as the first date (a week previous to this) was double booked, but it meant that we had an extra week to plan the event, so it wasn't such a bad thing.
Collectively it was decided that Claire and I were to be the 'organisers' of the event, which means we have to delegate jobs and make sure everything is running smoothly, both before and on the night of the event.
The businesses that we have signed up to the event are:
Rock Your Billy
Be Gorgeous
Fair Child's
The Cake Hole

All together we have raised £96 for the Third Year Fund just from table sales alone. The Mayor has also agreed to come for a short while on the evening, and we are going to be getting publicity from the Scarborough Evening News and Yorkshire Coast Radio.

The admission charge on the evening is £2 and 50p for under 12s, and this includes a raffle ticket for all the adults.
We have also asked that each stall holder brings a raffle prize in addition to their table charge.

I have enjoyed organising the event so far, and have run into more problems that I thought, for example people not pulling their weight in the organisation of the event, but i have overcome this and learnt a lot about event planning and managing others.

Below is a copy of the poster which we are using to advertise the event: