Reflection and Review...

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

For the past few days I have been playing with the idea of Daisy and Violet being trapped by their guardians. I feel like they were caged birds, and I would like to play with this idea and further it.

Yesterday I learnt how to print with dyes rather than binder and screen printing inks. This stops the pattern you are printing from sitting on top of the fabric, and allows it to be saturated neatly into the weave. The technique works best with silk fabrics which I plan to be working with.
I used the samples I dyed up last week to print on, and once the prints were dry I embroidered into them to create depth and interest.

I have based my designs on the patterns and themes which tattooed women had on their bodies. I'm interested in the difference between the types of sideshow performers ie those born with disabilitlies and those who change their bodies through choice, like a tattooed lady.

Today in Emmas lesson I wrote my literary review on an article discussing how reality tv shows such as the xfactor and American Idol are the modern day freak show. It was the first literary review I had ever written and was quite hard at first. After help and encouragement from Emma I gained a bit more confidence and started writing. Before I knew it I had written my first draft! I think sometimes I need to just start writing my ideas down, and worry about if they make sense afterwards when I'm re-drafting the piece.

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