Reflection and Review...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 1


Sat with group and reviewed each others projects for the next semester. This was really interesting and exciting as all the class have really strong ideas.
In Ruth's lesson we gave each other feedback and told each member firstly our initial reaction to their subject choice and secondly their personal strengths and weaknesses when working. I found this really helpful as my class were really interested about my project and were positive with their feedback. They also said to be more confident with my ideas and work as I tend to doubt myself a lot when I don't need to. I thought this was a really fair observation of the way in which I work, and is the first thing I will work on during my third year. (That and time management!)

Emma's lesson and introduction to Reflection and Review.
Need to keep my journal up to date and to keep on top of the work in this module as it is an area which I think I'll enjoy.

Rest of the day was spent reading up on the designer Lucile and his later collections. I also started to look deeper into the artist Gottfried Helnwein, who worked along side Marilyn Manson for a number of years and is how I recently discovered him.
I will look further into this artist and explore alternative art in more detail, as i think it parallels the idea of a Freak show very well.
In addition to reading into Helnwein and Lucile, I discovered the relation between very early actresses such as Theda Bara and Goth culture, as they both have very dark styles which steer clear from mainstream fashions. This theory came about whilst reading the book 'Goth Vamps and Dandies' by Gavin Baddeley.

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